Daufresne Maylis

Born in Senegal, Maylis Daufresne has lived in Nigeria and naturally looked to Africa—Morocco and Mali—for her first professional experiences. After working in Parisian bookstores for a few years, she opened her own, Voyageurs du Monde [World Travelers] in Toulouse, before setting out for Brussels to work at the celebrated bookstore Tropismes. She now devotes herself entirely to her writing, primarily in various series for early readers from the publisher Bayard (Mes premiers j’aime lire, J’aime lire max, Je bouquine). Her first picture book, De l’autre côté [From the Other Side] was published in October 2017 by Éditions Cépages, followed in May 2018 by Amath et le Lwas from Éditions du Jasmin. The creation of Bolero and Musette was supported by a grant from the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.
