The Extraordinary Adventures of Cabin Boy CRISTOBAL SPERANZA

Written by Michel Nicolas

  • Novel
  • Age group: 9 and up
  • Pages: 192
  • Format: 14 x 20.5 cm
  • Hardcover
  • RP: 15 euros

Over seas and oceans, in a time of legendary creatures, mysterious isles, and tall-masted brigantines

An epic tale full of twists, turns, and literary nods, genuinely engaged with saving the environment

A quirky, delightful tone: Nicolas Michel’s style blends shrewd and scholarly precision of language with humor and whimsy

A touching story about the desire to see the world, the power of friendship, fitting in, and the longing for home

For his twelfth birthday, Cristobal Speranza gets a spyglass from his mother. From that moment on, he dreams only for faraway places and adventure on the high seas. Much to his parents’ chagrin, he manages to get hired on as a cabin boy aboard the Matador, the ship of Captain Redbeard, who lives only on onions and herring. Early on in their voyage, they free the young Esmeralda, imprisoned by Redbeard’s sworn enemy, Aymeric the Bald. A series of surprising twists and turns ensues, during which Cristobal, wily and brave, proves himself an indispensable member of the crew.
