Rapaport Gilles

Gilles Rapaport is…

An editorial cartoonist and an author and illustrator of children’s books.

As well as a cartoonist of workplace humor.

He has worked for the largest French corporations: EDF, GRDF, GRTgaz ENEDIS, Total, La Poste…

His art has appeared in L’EXPRESS, Le Monde, Pour L’ECO, Stratégies, Directions

He has published several picture books about the Holocaust.

Grandfather, his best-known work, has been widely taught in schools for years.

But for some time now, he’s turned to lighter topics.

The series Il y a des règles [There Are Rules]] with Laurence Salaün is a big mainstream hit.

With Gallimard Jeunesse, he recently published his book Je me souviens [I Remember], about his own family history.

And with Seuil Jeunesse, the series Les doudous [Stuffies], also with Laurence Salaün.