Contacts and Grants

Daniela Bonerba
Founder & CEO
Welcome to my workspace—which could soon be yours, too!
This site is also a portal to a handy app where you can check in on our activities managing and representing author’s rights for our clients in the global marketplace.
I have worked in children’s publishing since 2011. Our fields include B2B marketing as well as the sale and management of translation rights and author rights.
My current clients include several publishing houses, authors, and illustrators. I live in Paris. I’d be delighted to discuss your plans and projects over coffee sometime! Just reach out!
Daniela Bonerba
Are you a foreign publisher interested in one of our books?
Do you seek financial assistance to help fund its translation and publication?
Find out more from these cultural institutions:
For our books published in Italian, click the following link and discover how it works:
CEPELL Grants for Translation – New Call for Proposals 2024
For our books published in France, click the following links and discover how it works:
L’institut Français / French Institute
L’institut Français in your country
If you are an American Publisher you can look at this page (click the link):
Contact us

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