Little Squares

Petit Carrés belongs to Éditions du Jasmin an independent French publisher of children’s books and literature founded by Saad Bouri in 1997. Our beautiful and extensive catalog, with more than 400 backlist titles and 20 new works every year, boasts picture books, folk and fairy tales, novels and short story collections, divided among several different imprints, including: points de suspension, la cabane sur le chien, petits carrés. Thanks to booksellers and librarians who champion our efforts, our books have reached a wide audience and received several major prizes. With works that tackle the representation of minorities and marginalized groups, family matters, and more delicate social issues of abuse, we consider our mission as a publisher to be a multicultural broadening of horizons. Éditions du Jasmin is all about opening up to the world, the better to help children find their place where they feel at home.

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