Lunon turns everything upside down

Written by Bertron-Martin Agnès
Illustrated by Géhin Élisa

  • Picture Book
  • Age group: 2 and up
  • Pages: 36
  • Format: 21 x 21 cm
  • Hardcover
  • RP: 23 euros

What’s going on tonight in the sky? The Moon swells, hollows itself out, quivers and gives birth to a… baby! But little Lunon can’t be quiet and calm; he jumps, leaps, spins around or even provokes big waves in the night causing a big chaos on the Earth. Overwhelmed, exhausted, the inhabitants decide to put an end to this permanent hullabaloo… but Mam Moon brings back the silence, singing a sweet song to his child who quickly closes his eyes and falls asleep; all the people will go to sleep as well very peacefully.
