The Pink Earring

Written by Menu Séraphine
Illustrated by Serprix Sylvie

  • Graphic Novel
  • Age group: 10 and up
  • Pages: 104
  • Format: to be decided
  • RP: 16,50 euros

When Mia lends Anais her earring one fall morning, little does she suspect her life and the lives of everyone in her village are about change forever! For, as the seasons pass, that seemingly harmless bit of jewelry becomes a symbol to rally behind. Bans proliferate, as allegations. The weight of a single pink earring becomes ever more burdensome to bear. Will Mia and her family join the movement, or will they decide to swim against the current? The Pink Earring is a graphic novel with a timeless and universal theme that plunges readers deep into the heart of the danger that mass movements can represent, and the repercussions they can have on individual lives. It shows how out-of-hand things can get, even when they start from nothing, and asks questions about our choices and our freedoms.

From the same illustrator
